Tooth Pain Management

Dental Care

A toothache can be caused by anything from a popcorn hull stuck in your gum to a broken tooth or a bacterial infection. Some toothaches may come from temporary gum irritation. But serious toothaches need treatment by a dental professional to resolve the pain and whatever problem is causing it.

What are possible causes of toothache?

Toothaches can be caused by:

  • Tooth decay.
  • A bacterial infection inside the center of the tooth.
  • Tooth fracture (broken tooth).
  • A damaged filling.
  • Repetitive motions, such as chewing gum or grinding or clenching teeth.
  • Infected gums.
  • Eruption (teeth coming out of the gums) or removal of a tooth (for example, wisdom teeth).

Can my toothache go away on its own?

Some toothaches that come from pain around (but not inside) your tooth can get better without a trip to the dentist. Pain from a temporary irritation (redness) in the gum can be resolved within a few days.

How will the dentist treat my toothache?

Treatment by a dental professional depends on what is causing your toothache.

  • If a cavity is causing the toothache, your dentist will fill the cavity or take the tooth out, if necessary.
  • A root canal (a procedure to remove and replace infected pulp with sealing material) may be needed if the cause of the toothache is an infection of the tooth’s nerve.
  • An antibiotic may be prescribed if there is fever or swelling of the jaw. A small piece of food (like a popcorn hull) can get stuck under the gums causing an infection. In this instance, a deep cleaning may be performed or recommended followed by further periodontal (gum) therapy if necessary.