Facial Rejuvenation Dentures

Dental Implants

Facial rejuvenation dentures are carefully designed to counteract the effects of aging and bone loss. They are structured to restore youthful proportions to the face and provide extra support for the lips and cheeks. The wearer finds that their face is fuller and smoother—just like when they were younger.

A Scientific Solution to Denture Problems

Are you happy with your current dentures, or are they driving you up the wall? Many people are unhappy with their current dentures. Their dentures are so ill-fitting that speaking and eating are difficult.

Thankfully, there are better options, including implant dentures.

Facial Rejuvenation Dentures are fabricated using a neuromuscular approach, which can be an effective solution to some common denture issues.

What Is A Neuromuscular Approach to Dentistry?

The term “neuromuscular” refers to anything relating to muscles and nerves. When dentists take this approach to dental procedures, they aren’t focused simply on your teeth, there are three components involved:

  • Teeth
  • Muscles and the associated nerves
  • Jaw joints

Without considering all these factors, it would not be possible to create dentures in our dental office that offer a truly harmonious experience for patients. If even one of these components is ignored, the result can be painful.

What does this mean for you? Without a neuromuscular approach, you end up with ill-fitting dentures that can:

  • Cause painful mouth sores
  • Increase your risk of oral infections
  • Move around when you speak
  • Make eating difficult, which can affect your digestion and overall health

If you decide implant-supported dentures are right for you, Facial Rejuvenation Dentures are designed to create dentures that work in harmony with your body. These dentures keep the jaw joints in proper alignment, which keeps the joints, muscles, and nerves healthy and can prevent pain, including pain caused by TMJ disorder.

What to Expect When Getting Facial Rejuvenation Dentures

First, your dental team will perform a series of measurements. They’ll measure your muscles while your mouth is at rest. Then, they’ll stimulate your jaw muscles and measure them again. Using two measurements is how we ensure dentures that fit well and function properly.

The at-rest measurement allows the clinic to fabricate dentures that are comfortable when your bite is in a neutral position.

The stimulated measurement shows how your facial muscles could impinge on your dentures, potentially dislodging them while you’re talking or eating.