Cavities Treatment

Dental Care

Dental Cavity or Tooth Decay is a very common problem usually occur due to improper brushing and high intake of sweets. Whenever food particular stuck to the tooth structure for longer bone, microorganisms stand acting and causes a tooth decay.

What will you see?

  • Brownish / Blackish staining of tooth
  • A hole in the tooth.

What will you feel?

  • Food Keep on stucking in the teeth or on tooth.
  • Bad Breath
  • Sensitivity on taking ice-cream / Hot Beverages or sometime normal wailer.
  • Sudden Pain.
  • Pain after chewing food.

If Cavity Becomes Deep

  • You may have smelling
  • Acute & Sharp Pain
  • Pus Discharge

What to do?

  • You must visit us
  • Will do the investigation by doing you oral check up and take the x-ray.
  • Will decide on the multiple treatment options
  • After the treatment done you can happily go home.

Multiple Treatment Options Include

  • Fluoride Treatment
  • Dentist Fillings – Different Option Available
  • Laser (Tooth Cloned)
  • Ceramic – Inlays
  • Ceramic – Onlays
  • Single sitting Root Canal Treatment

(If Decay has reached to the level of Name)