JVA – Joint Vibration Analysis

Diagnostic Tests for TMD

Joint vibration analysis tests are helpful for the evaluation of the significance of joint sounds and can help us decide whether the condition is a progressive or degenerative one. The traditional method of palpation and auscultation method is replaced by this highly advanced, technically superior, joint vibration analysis to read the joint sound.

The joint vibration analysis is based on the simple principle of motion and friction. When the joint moves, if it has a smooth surface, then it create less friction and so, less vibration. If the surface is rough, it creates more friction and more vibration. It means that there is not enough lubrication present between the joints. This friction will inflame the bones and the surrounding soft tissue.

Sometimes, degeneration of the bone or perforation will also cause abnormal vibration to the joints. Different TMJ disorders will produce a different vibration pattern. The joint vibration analysis helps to differentiate the primary joint problem from the other painful condition. Joint vibration analysis predicts the condition more accurately, without human-errors, and provide a permanent record that can be used for future comparison.